Computational Mechanics Group

Under the direction of Prof. Maurizio M. Chiaramonte

What we do

In the Computational Mechanics Lab we are interested in developing, advancing, and leveraging numerical tools, such as finite element methods, numerical optimization techniques, as well as machine learning algorithms, to support the advancement of engineering design.

Particular emphasis of the work we do is on numerical methods for simulating damage and fracture, largely deforming inelastic solids, viscoplastic fluids, as well as fluid-structure interaction. The development of this numerical tools are driven by applications, for example, in the context of energy resources engineering, geophysics & climate modeling, hazard modeling, as well as defense.

Some of the past and on-going work is described in this webpage. More to come soon!


  • [March 6, 2017] Welcome to Roberto Porcu who joins as a Post-doctoral associate.

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